
We are committed to helping therapists make more effective choices with the self-injury population by offering several types of training depending on the needs of the therapist:

Short Seminars

SII hosts 2- and 3-hour seminars quarterly that focus narrowly on a specific topic related to conceptualizing and treating self-injurers and their families.

$109 – Standard Registration
$99 – Student/Associate Registration

We are currently providing short seminars per request with a minimum of three participants.  If you are interested, please provide us with some information on the inquiry form, and you will be connected with our training coordinator who will contact you within 48 hours. Click here to use the form.

Guest Lectures

We are often approached by agencies, counseling centers, universities, and conference planners to present on a particular topic related to self-injury. If you are a representative of such an entity, please provide us with some information on the inquiry form, and you will be connected with our training coordinator who will contact you within 48 hours. Click here to use the form.

Systems Training Groups

For therapists interested in brushing up on systemic theories and techniques, or for those who want more training in a particular model, we have ongoing training groups that meet once a month for three hours. Groups are formed based on critical mass (usually 6-8 participants). Click HERE to check on the status of current or newly forming groups. Click HERE to make a payment online for a System Training group you have been accepted to.

Certification Program

To answer the need for more specialists in this area, the Self Injury Institute offers interested clinicians a semester-long curriculum that concentrates intensively on the conceptualization, treatment, and self-of-therapist aspects of the SII method, or Systems Therapy for Self-Injury (STSI). The class meets weekly for three hours. Students are additionally afforded opportunities to participate in case consultation groups as well as a process group. Participants who complete the program successfully are awarded a certificate to practice STSI. Click HERE to learn more.

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